Updated botan packages fix security vulnerabilities
Publication date: 29 May 2016Modification date: 29 May 2016
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 5
CVE: CVE-2015-7827 , CVE-2016-2849
Updated botan packages fix security vulnerabilities: During RSA decryption, how long decoding of PKCS #1 v1.5 padding took was input dependent. If these differences could be measured by an attacker, it could be used to mount a Bleichenbacher million-message attack (CVE-2015-7827). ECDSA (and DSA) signature algorithms perform a modular inverse on the signature nonce k. The modular inverse algorithm used had input dependent loops, and it is possible a side channel attack could recover sufficient information about the nonce to eventually recover the ECDSA secret key (CVE-2016-2849).
- botan-1.10.12-1.1.mga5