Advisories ยป MGASA-2014-0493

Updated wordpress package fixes security vulnerabilities

Publication date: 26 Nov 2014
Modification date: 26 Nov 2014
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 3 , 4
CVE: CVE-2014-9031 , CVE-2014-9032 , CVE-2014-9033 , CVE-2014-9034 , CVE-2014-9035 , CVE-2014-9036 , CVE-2014-9037 , CVE-2014-9038 , CVE-2014-9039


XSS in wptexturize() via comments or posts, exploitable for unauthenticated users (CVE-2014-9031).

XSS in media playlists (CVE-2014-9032).

CSRF in the password reset process (CVE-2014-9033).

Denial of service for giant passwords. The phpass library by Solar Designer
was used in both projects without setting a maximum password length, which
can lead to CPU exhaustion upon hashing (CVE-2014-9034).

XSS in Press This (CVE-2014-9035).

XSS in HTML filtering of CSS in posts (CVE-2014-9036).

Hash comparison vulnerability in old-style MD5-stored passwords

SSRF: Safe HTTP requests did not sufficiently block the loopback IP address
space (CVE-2014-9038).

Previously an email address change would not invalidate a previous password
reset email (CVE-2014-9039).



