Advisories » MGAA-2022-0074

Updated nextcloud-client packages fix bugs and provide supported branch

Publication date: 22 May 2022
Modification date: 22 May 2022
Type: bugfix
Affected Mageia releases : 8


Advisory text to describe the update.
Wrap lines at ~75 chars.
Update to version 3.5.1 fixes bugs within the new supported branch. 

desktop#4486 Add new and correct sparkle update signature
desktop#4489 l10n: Remove string from translation
desktop#4490 l10n: Changed triple dot to ellipsis
desktop#4491 Ensure cache is stored in default cache location
desktop#4492 Updating command-rebase.yml workflow from template
desktop#4493 Remove "…" from "Create Debug Archive" button
desktop#4494 docs: Replace "preceded" with "followed"
desktop#4511 only add OCS-APIREQUEST header for 1st request of webflow v1
desktop#4514 Make the script more verbose for easier
desktop#4515 Revamp notifications for macOS and add support for actionable
update notifications
desktop#4537 Use proper online status for user ('dnd', 'online',
'invisible', etc.) to enable or disable desktop notifications.
desktop#4538 Bugfix. Take root folder's files size into account when
displaying the total size in selective sync dialog.
desktop#4539 Fix activity list item issues with colours/layout/etc.
desktop#4541 Bugfix/allow manual rename files with spaces
desktop#4544 Fixed share link expiration box being ineditable and always
attempting to set invalid date
desktop#4545 Fix crashing of finder sync extension caused by
dispatch_source_cancel of nullptr
desktop#4546 Simplify and remove the notification "cache"
desktop#4547 Fix tray icon not displaying "Open main dialog"
desktop#4548 if an exclude file is deleted, skip it and remove it from
internal list
desktop#4549 Bugfix/two factor notification
desktop#4550 Fix visual borking in the share dialog
desktop#4555 add explicit capture for lambda


