Advisories ยป MGAA-2020-0206

Updated rust packages provide Rust 1.43.1 for Firefox 78 ESR

Publication date: 10 Sep 2020
Modification date: 10 Sep 2020
Type: bugfix
Affected Mageia releases : 7


This update provides Rust 1.43.1 which is necessarily to package Firefox 78
ESR in Mageia 7. This is an upgrade from the currently packaged Rust 1.40.0.
See the referenced release notes for details.

Note: Rust developers interested in the latest stable version should consider
using upstream's `rustup` tool to install a newer Rust locally. Mageia 7's
Rust version will be kept in sync with what is required to package Firefox
and Thunderbird. See the referenced Mozilla wiki page for details.

This update also includes a patched LLVM to fix an LLVM 8 bug affecting Rust.


