Advisories ยป MGASA-2016-0252

Updated graphicsmagick packages fix security vulnerability

Publication date: 14 Jul 2016
Modification date: 14 Jul 2016
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 5
CVE: CVE-2016-2317 , CVE-2016-2318 , CVE-2016-8808 , CVE-2016-5118 , CVE-2016-5241 , CVE-2016-5240


- A read out-of-bound in the parsing of gif files using GraphicsMagick

- Infinite loop caused by converting a circularly defined svg file

- Fix another case of CVE-2016-2317 (heap buffer overflow) in the MVG
  rendering code (also impacts SVG).

- arithmetic exception converting a svg file (CVE-2016-5241)

- Arithmetic exception converting a svg file caused by a X%0 operation in
  magick/render.c (CVE-2016-2318)

- A shell exploit (CVE-2016-5118) was discovered associated with a
  filename syntax where file names starting with '|' are intepreted as
  shell commands executed via popen(). Insufficient sanitization in the
  SVG and MVG renderers allows such filenames to be passed through from
  potentially untrusted files. There might be other ways for untrusted
  inputs to produce such filenames. Due to this issue, support for the
  feature is removed entirely.

The gnudl, octave, pdf2djvu, and photoqt packages have been rebuilt to use
the updated GraphicsMagick++ library.


