Advisories ยป MGASA-2016-0244

Updated struts packages fix security vulnerabilities

Publication date: 08 Jul 2016
Modification date: 08 Jul 2016
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 5
CVE: CVE-2016-1181 , CVE-2016-1182


Updated struts packages fix security vulnerabilities:

A vulnerability in Apache Struts 1 ActionForm allowing unintended remote
operations against components on server memory, such as Servlets and
ClassLoader, was found (CVE-2016-1181).

It was reported that The Apache Struts 1 Validator contains a vulnerability
where input validation configurations (validation rules, error messages, etc.)
may be modified. This occurs when ValidatorForm and ValidatorActionForm
(including its subclasses) are in the session scope (CVE-2016-1182).


