Advisories ยป MGASA-2016-0099

Updated perl packages fix CVE-2016-2381

Publication date: 07 Mar 2016
Modification date: 07 Mar 2016
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 5
CVE: CVE-2016-2381


Updated perl packages fix security vulnerability:

Stephane Chazelas discovered a bug in the environment handling in Perl. Perl
provides a Perl-space hash variable, %ENV, in which environment variables can
be looked up. If a variable appears twice in envp, only the last value would
appear in %ENV, but getenv would return the first. Perl's taint security
mechanism would be applied to the value in %ENV, but not to the other rest of
the environment. This could result in an ambiguous environment causing
environment variables to be propagated to subprocesses, despite the
protections supposedly offered by taint checking (CVE-2016-2381).


